Monday, April 7, 2008

Begin, as they say, at the beginning

So, I'm working on my 101 Goals. I'm up to 24 after a bit of brainstorming. There's a lot more, of course, but this is what I have so far:

  1. Ride the bike 5 days a week, weather permitting
  2. Graduate
  3. Continue the 50 Book Project in 2009 and 2010
  4. Try to be able to chaperone next year's DC trip
  5. Go for a 5 mile bike ride
  6. Go for a 10 mile bike ride
  7. Go for a 15 mile bike ride
  8. Go for a 20 mile bike ride
  9. Get a bike rack for the car
  10. Go an entire day without checking LJ at work
  11. Read 24 biographies
  12. Donate something to the RO Animal Shelter
  13. Spend a day doing fun stuff with Brittany outside of the house
  14. Do 50 nice things for Dave without being asked or prompted
  15. Post a "free" post on Craigslist once a week
  16. Clean out the basement
  17. Clean out the garage
  18. Stain the deck and front porch
  19. Paint the fence
  20. Reorganize kitchen cupboards
  21. Donate some books to the library booksale / book shop
  22. Finish sorting photos into albums
  23. Print out pictures that are only digital
  24. Get wedding pictures printed

Definitely gives me some jumping off points to think of more.